
Hon KwokHon Kwok
Getting my thoughts in order! 😎
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The Hon Bug

May 22, 2020

i might be a bug crawling in ur systems 😈

2019 in retrospect

January 03, 2020

A career change, foster dog, and more!

SANS DEV 522 (Defending Web Apps) and Certification Thoughts

December 30, 2019

I took SANS Institute's DEV 522 class on defending web applications and got the associated GIAC certificate (GWEB). Here are my thoughts on that experience.

DEFCON 27 experience & takeaways

August 14, 2019

Some ramblings about what I did at DEFCON as a first time attendee and takeaways from the conference.

First bug bounty report

July 30, 2019

Went to a live-hacking competition to try out bug bounties and found a vulnerability

Hello world, hello blog!

June 11, 2019

Why I started a blog and the rationale behind it.